Kategorie-Archiv: Fotografie

Images: The first two days at City Fire

Now I finally started working at the fire department. The elections are over and the result is to be announced tomorrow, but our mentor has issued no concerns about going to work. Furthermore, we have two bicycles now, making our way to work shorter and safer. Yesterday we received protection suits which we were today able to test as we took part in our first firefighting operation at a tractor workshop. The ongoing projects are testing hoses, sorting out equipment donations and writing the Fire and Rescue tag on the new boats, making them ready for an exercise at the beach, promised, but yet to be carried out. So the prospects are good, although some ambitions are kept secret to prevent too high expectations. But as always it is hard to predict life and the ups and downs will follow.

Testing fire hoses


On the way
Crowd kept back by armed police
Smoke and fire vehicle
The surrounding
BA personnel
Checking hoses



The beach and the elections

Yesterday I bought football shoes on a street market near our apartment. I got a pair of used Adidas shoes for 55,000 Shillings, equal to ca. 25€. That prepares me to take part in the daily football exercises at the fire station. Later we went to the beach in Magogoni/Mikadi, after our quick integration program during the past days it was very relaxing to chill out in a secured area although its concept was only aiming at tourists, clearly selecting between people able to pay the entrance fee and the others kept behind the fence guarded by watchmen in Massai costumes. On the way to the beach we witnessed a demonstration of opposition party supporters. They were shouting the CHADEMA slogan „People Power!“ and carrying two coffins, symbolizing the ruling party CCM. The results of the elections are to be announced by wednesday, the winner is not yet predictable.

Election campaign






Trip to Kigamboni Beach

Dar Es Salaam skyline
Daniel and Adson, the best mentors we could have wished for.


Postcard reality


At home

Yesterday we moved to our house in Magomeni. I am now living there together with Samuel, who is working for the fire department as a paramedic.

Sleeping room
Dedicated to my suitcase
View from our door to Ilala


Images: The journey and the first day

I have arrived in Dar es Salaam. I had been prepared for a cultural shock, but I felt rather like arriving at an unknown playing field for a football match. That does not mean that I was not nervous or excited. It simply felt surreal und I was surveying my moves and body functions more closely than usual. After some sleep we went to the bank, my credit card survived a system shutdown of the ATM (Windows XP, but I already knew that from Deutsche Bahn) and I saw the first real shotgun in my life, it belonged to a security guard. We were offered very good Italian ice cream and a man talked to me in French. Europe must look tiny from here. At least for me looking at the map of Tanzania in our living room is like looking at a section of outer space. And if Europe is even beyond, that is quite a lot of light years. The surreal feeling has not vanished yet. Tomorrow we are going to see the hospital, the fire department and our house. I am looking forward to it. Thanks to our great mentors Adson and Daniel, we are like children exploring the park in a new neighborhood. New people, some new rules, but humans like around the corner. Laughing, chatting, working.


Atatürk Airport, Istanbul





Nile Valley at night




Landing in Dar es Salaam



Sunset and freight yard



The view from our apartment



G. hat ein ihm neues Spiel kennengelernt. Speerboule ist eine Sportart aus Montana, bei dem es gilt, seinen Speer möglichst nahe am Speerschaft des Schweinchenspeers zu platzieren. Gar nicht so einfach. G. hat die Mittagspause genossen. Heute hat M. die Speere wieder mitgenommen, aber G. hat schon das Prinzip der Speere kopiert und wird das Design demnächst in China für den europäischen Massenmarkt in Auftrag geben. Spätestens dann, wenn er aus Tansania zurück ist und durch die interkulturellen Kompetenzen seine Skills auch im Asiengeschäft nutzen kann.

Vorbereitungsseminar in Wickstadt

Am Montag bin ich in Wickstadt angekommen. Der erste Tag des Vorbereitungsseminars war sehr intensiv. Da der praktische Teil des Programms in kürzerer Zeit als erwartet zu bewältigen war, habe ich mir ein wenig den Ort angesehen. Wickstadt ist sehr idyllisch und sehr verschlafen. Einmal in der Woche gibt es einen Boule-Abend auf dem Platz beim Dorf. Das Betreten des Grafenschlosses ist verboten, das Menu im Edelrestaurant des Anwesens ist wahrscheinlich auch keine wirkliche Option für die Weltwärts-Freiwilligen, zumindest nicht finanziell. Allerdings muss uns das nicht kränken, da wir exzellent bekocht werden.


Materiallager der Mehlfabrik



Kath. Kirche





Schloss der Grafen von Assenheim




Darstellung meiner Identität


Fenster und Türen

Unterwegs begegnen mir immer wieder unterschiedlichste Öffnungen in Wänden, die zumeist stark Fenstern und Türen ähneln. Beim Scrollen durch meine Bilder ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich inzwischen recht viele Bilder von ihnen habe, deshalb veröffentliche ich hier eine kleine Auswahl.







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L1210211  L1210206


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