Fire Station Cleanup, firefighters nearly burning a tree when disposing of rubbish in fire
Constructing boat trailer, lack of electrodes and power delaying progress
Meeting with manager from Africraft, discussing new products
Farewell dinner for Johanna, a former Fire Department volunteer, going back to Germany after a two week stay in Dar Es Salaam
Attending the opening concert of the Chinese cultural center (traditional Chinese music), snatching three bowls of delicious Chinese food
Going out to a fire in Mabibo lower class area, communication problems and reduced accessibility lead to delayed arrival, fire already extinguished by inhabitants who had apparently been burning trash inside their house
Nicolaus Day party at our colleagues‘ in Ilala
Designing an anti-theft rucksack prototype for Africraft, yet to be thought over again to improve details
Writing Christmas letters for family and friends at home, first time to go to the power line bar, recommended by Philipp (former volunteer from Magomeni)
Mabibo Fire


Fire Station